Health and Safety
Effective H&S Management generally requires consideration of 3 principal themes – policy development and implementation; technical assessment and control; and the provision of adequate information, instruction and training. ACS is relatively unique in offering the full range of professional, technical and training support to assist clients in achieving total risk management.

H&S Policy and Management Systems
It is now common practice for organisations to develop and implement Health & Safety Management Systems, with a growing number of businesses seeking accreditation to BS OHSAS18001. ACS has significant expertise in the development, audit and review of such systems and in providing assistance on specific areas of safety policy. Over the past 20 years, ACS has developed policy and management systems for many hundreds of organisations, with our systems achieving acclaim from Regulators and the insurance industry.
Risk Assessment and Facilities Safety
It is now generally accepted (and indeed the view of the HSE) that the ‘person who owns the risk should be involved in the risk assessment’, meaning that employees should take part in the undertaking of risk assessments. However, many technical/facilities related risk assessments require specific competencies and the ACS Technical Safety and Occupational Hygiene team specialises in the following:
General risk assessment
Fire safety risk assessment
Legionella risk assessment
COSHH (hazardous substances) risk assessment and exposure monitoring
Noise and vibration assessment
Display screen equipment risk assessment
Manual handling risk assessment
‘Sick building syndrome’ assessment
Special risk assessments (e.g. lone working, new and expectant mothers, young persons, etc.)
H&S Audit and Review
It is appreciated that many organisations have fully developed safety management systems and procedures in place. However, irrespective of the complexity of your systems, an external audit and review is an effective way of measuring compliance against legislation and ‘best practice’. ACS Auditors have the benefit of working across a wide spectrum of industry sectors, which allows ideas and concepts to be shared between sectors, thus driving up safety standards across the UK. In the event that your systems are basic or in their infancy, an Initial Review can be carried out, producing an Action Plan to take your business towards legal compliance.
H&S Training
The ACS H&S Training Division both supports, and is supported by, the H&S consultancy team, ensuing that topical and practical material is incorporated into the ACS courses, seminars, workshops and events. A wide range of accredited and bespoke courses are available.
(See our Training Section here or view our training brochure here.
Outsourced Competent Person
It is becoming increasingly common for organisations to appoint ACS as an outsourced Health & Safety Department to ensure the requisite level of ‘competence’ is available across the whole spectrum of safety related topics. A dedicated Consultant would work with you on a regular basis covering whatever shortfall your organisation may have with in-house competencies.
To contact us for more information click here or, to view available training courses click here.